Your plan

May 2023

Getting started with the Planner

What are the first steps

The Planner is going to take you through the stages of setting up your plan

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to see your plan like in the example showed here.

See how much you spend on each category

The Planner will show you a breakdown of your spending with percentages against your income and changes from previous months.

Compare your numbers against your goals

You can set goals for each category and see how you are doing each month, so you can make adjustments to your plan and spending.

Example view of your plan

Total income after tax £1,234.56

Income before tax: £1,234.56Total deductions: £1,234.56

Total monthly spending £1,234.56

Needs: £617.28Wants: £617.28

Total savings contributions£1,234.56

Interest earned: £123.56

Total debt repayments£1,234.56

Interest charged: £123.56